See and order your pictures from the 2018 PCFR
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All Around | Bareback Riding | Barrel Racing | Breakaway Roping
Bull Riding | Calf Roping | Saddle Bronc Riding
Steer Wrestling | Team Roping – Heading | Team Roping – Heeling
All Around
Competitors | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Average Money | Year Total |
Justin Thigpen | $1,1186.74 | | $1,312.45 | | $1,255.21 | $17,769.06 |
Marcus Theriot | $266.51 | $653.71 | $1,045.95 | | | $12,245.59 |
Drew Slade | | $1,045.94 | $1,066.04 | | $257.58 | $11,608.59 |
Bart Brunson | | $261.49 | | | | $9,734.31 |
Wes Brunson | | $522.98 | | | | $8,943.97 |
Ryder Ladner | $653.72 | | $522.97 | $261.49 | $463.65 | $8,905.27 |
Shane Overby | $261.49 | | | | $1,236.40 | $8,745.36 |
Zack Cargle | | | $784.46 | $261.49 | $721.23 | $7,727.56 |
Shane Kuhn | $844.94 | | | | | $7,083.24 |
Sam Merritt | | | | | | $5,664.79 |
Bareback Riding
Competitors | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Average Money | Year Total |
Joe Courville | $824.85 | $515.52 | $824.85 | $824.25 | $1625.07 | $10,509.78 |
James Hughes | $412.42 | $824.85 | $618.63 | | $812.53 | $8,624.18 |
Alex Lockhart – RK | $618.63 | $206.21 | $412.42 | $618.63 | $1,218.80 | $8,116.13 |
Hunter Shirah | | $515.52 | | $412.42 | $406.27 | $1,989.41 |
Barrel Racing
Competitors | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Average Money | Year Total |
Nicole Love | $1,066.04 | | $1,066.04 | $1,066.04 | $1,260.16 | $8,734.90 |
Suzanna Hill | $799.53 | $1,066.04 | | $799.53 | $472.56 | $7,172.77 |
Kasidi Smart | $533.02 | $266.51 | $266.51 | | $735.09 | $6,637.10 |
Katelyn Nicholson | $266.51 | $799.53 | $799.53 | | $997.63 | $6,281.94 |
Lori Chestnut | | $533.02 | $533.02 | | | $6,263.63 |
Caroline Kelly – RK | | | | | $1,522.69 | $5,136.51 |
Rhonda Dobbins | | | | | | $5,132.02 |
Chloe Gray | | | | $266.51 | $262.53 | $4,933.60 |
Brooklyn Driver | | | | | | $4,770.29 |
Jennifer Bratton | | | | $533.02 | | $4,563.62 |
Summer Huff | | | | | | $4,428.72 |
Jessica Graham – RK | | | | | | $3,895.20 |
Blaise Bercegeay | | | | | | $3,686.04 |
Ashlea Pierce | | | | | | $3,408.80 |
Brooke Pope | | | | | | $3,340.40 |
Baleigh Merritt – HS | | | | | | $3,244.41 |
Breakaway Roping
Competitors | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Average Money | Year Total |
Abby Berry | | $133.26 | | | $1,260.16 | $9,675.85 |
Tabitha Owens | $266.51 | | $266.51 | $799.53 | $735.09 | $8,924.23 |
Cady Cooper | | $799.53 | | | | $6,757.71 |
Natasha Stacey | | | | | | $6,678.09 |
Kayley Kennemer | | $1,066.04 | $1,066.04 | $1,066.04 | $997.63 | $5,845.02 |
Blair Bryant | $533.02 | | | $266.51 | $1,522.69 | $5,003.32 |
Heather Cave | | | $799.53 | | | $4,448.67 |
Chelsey Abernathy | | | | | | $3,899.97 |
Cristi Brunson | $932.79 | | | $533.02 | $472.56 | $3,865.66 |
Lindsey Pender | $932.79 | $133.26 | | | | $3,485.88 |
Cheree Caudle | | | | | $262.53 | $3,191.81 |
Ashlea Pierce | | | $533.02 | | | $2,758.90 |
Jordan Wade | | | | | | $2,732.49 |
Haley Polk – RK | | | | | | $2,378.70 |
Candy Parkinson – RK | | | | | | $2,223.32 |
Nikayla Brill – HS | | | $533.02 | | | $3,398.26 |
Bull Riding
Competitors | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Average Money | Year Total |
Blake Germany | $709.08 | | | | $931.33 | $6,126.80 |
Ty Wainwright | $945.44 | $709.08 | | | $1,583.27 | $4,621.63 |
Bryan Green | | | | $945.44 | $442.38 | $4,180.70 |
Michael Campbell | | | | | | $3,215.70 |
Josh Moorer | | | | | | $3,191.72 |
Ethan Ray | | | | | | $2,965.19 |
Dalton Thames | $472.72 | | | | $442.38 | $2,238.04 |
Lane L Pearce – RK | | | | | | $2,031.84 |
Gavin Woodruff – RK | | | | | | $745.47 |
Casey Roberts – HS | | $945.44 | | | $1,257.30 | $9,805.16 |
Calf Roping
Competitors | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Average Money | Year Total |
Alex Caudle | $1,045.94 | | | $1,045.94 | $1,493.98 | $7,593.00 |
Tim Pharr | | $653.71 | $1,045.94 | $784.46 | $463.65 | $7,057.85 |
Shane Overby | $261.49 | | | | $1,236.40 | $6,615.06 |
Glen Freels | | | | | | $6,156.09 |
Bart Brunson | | | | | | $5,317.83 |
Austin D Davis | | $653.71 | | | $978.82 | $5,219.89 |
Justin Thigpen | | | | | | $5,178.33 |
Marcus Theriot | $522.97 | | $261.49 | | | $4,893.65 |
Zac Wilson | $784.46 | | | $522.97 | | $4,817.25 |
Zack Cargle | | | $784.46 | $261.49 | $721.23 | $4,364.22 |
Sam Merritt | | | | | | $4,163.32 |
Drew Slade | | $1,045.94 | | | $257.58 | $4,116.38 |
Andrew Burks | | | $522.97 | | | $3,918.05 |
Bo Brown | | | | | | $3,692.52 |
Wes Brunson | | $261.49 | | | | $3,604.99 |
Saddle Bronc Riding
Competitors | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Average Money | Year Total |
Eddie Parlier | $422.47 | $211.24 | $844.94 | $528.09 | $1,123.65 | $12,477.66 |
Scott Davis | $633.71 | $844.94 | $422.47 | $844.94 | $1,414.98 | $8,524.96 |
Shane Kuhn | $844.94 | | | $211.24 | $249.70 | $5,795.48 |
Alan Frierson | $211.24 | $422.47 | $211.24 | $528.09 | $832.33 | $4,915.36 |
Hayden Phipps | | $633.71 | $633.71 | | $541.01 | $4,231.05 |
Steer Wrestling
Competitors | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Average Money | Year Total |
Trey Austin | | | $533.02 | $666.28 | $472.56 | $8,162.52 |
Cord Spradley | $932.79 | | | $666.28 | $1,522.69 | $7,586.21 |
Drew Slade | | | $1,066.44 | | | $7,492.21 |
Justin Thigpen | $533.02 | | $266.51 | | $997.63 | $6,389.95 |
Austin Davis | | $266.51 | $799.53 | | $1,260.16 | $4,724.16 |
Vincent Broughton | | $799.53 | | | $735.09 | $4,036.26 |
Marcus Theriot | $266.51 | | | | | $3,839.87 |
B.J. McClenton | | $1,066.04 | | | | $3,255.38 |
Waylon Stuckey | | | | $1,066.04 | | $3,221.99 |
Gunar Ramsey | | | | | | $3,167.01 |
Luke Campbell | $932.79 | | | | | $3,018.63 |
Palmer White | | $533.02 | | | | $2,847.73 |
Clint Thomas | | | | | $262.53 | $2,659.95 |
Scott Owens | | | | $266.51 | | $2,580. 95 |
Sam White | | | | | | $2,349.00 |
Garrett Guillot – HS | | | | | | $1,814.40 |
Team Roping-Heading
Competitors | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Average Money | Year Total |
Keven Daniel | $130.74 | $784.46 | | | $1,236.40 | $14,420.38 |
Kaston Peavy | | | | | | $10,661.02 |
Clint Keller | | | | | $721.23 | $8,008.44 |
Braxton Culpepper – RK | $1,045.94 | $522.97 | $130.74 | $522.97 | $1,493.98 | $7,973.01 |
Justin Thigpen | $653.72 | | $1,045.94 | | $257.58 | $6,200.78 |
Justin Johnson | | $1,045.94 | | | | $6,111.23 |
Bart Brunson | | $261.49 | | | $978.82 | $5,966.35 |
Ryder Ladner | $653.72 | | $522.97 | $261.49 | $463.65 | $5,850.67 |
Glyn Robinson | | | | $915.20 | | $5,613.64 |
Billy Berry | | | | $915.20 | | $4,921.55 |
Marcus Theriot | | | $784.46 | | | $4,912.33 |
Tyler Hoagland | | | $130.74 | | | $4,719.14 |
Jake Wells | $130.74 | | | | | $4,473.98 |
Ryan Pope | | | | | | $3,458.48 |
Zack Cargle | | | | | | $3,436.24 |
Team Roping-Heeling
Competitors | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Average Money | Year Total |
Brad Culpepper | $130.74 | $784.46 | | | $1,236.40 | $12,828.62 |
Ashlee Swedenburg | $1,045.94 | $522.97 | $130.74 | $522.97 | $1,493.98 | $9,419.04 |
Shane Edmonson | | | | | $721.23 | $7,737.23 |
Zak Dobbins | | | $130.74 | | | $6,920.13 |
Jason Garcia | | | | | | $6,635.30 |
Wes Brunson | | $261.49 | | | $978.82 | $6,317.80 |
Bradley Massey | $653.72 | | $1,045.94 | | $257.58 | $5,975.02 |
Chase Graves | $653.72 | | $522.97 | $261.49 | $463.65 | $5,929.89 |
Stephen Britnell | | $1,045.94 | | | | $5,423.81 |
J. D. Robinson | | | | $915.20 | | $5,038.99 |
Cole Curry – RK | | | $784.46 | | | $4,487.96 |
Derick Freeman | | | | $915.20 | | $4,245.33 |
Luke Taylor | $130.74 | | | | | $4,094.93 |
Rodney Bowers – RK | | | | | | $3,266.10 |
Mark Gentry | | | | | | $3,247.07 |